Yesterday morning Central Coast Local Health District (CCLHD) officially launched their Ideas Hub technology and innovation lab. The Ideas Hub initiative works to bring local businesses, entrepreneurs and students together with CCLHD’s expert staff to tackle healthcare challenges in their local hospitals, with the aim of boosting efficiency and improving the patient experience.
Andrew Montague, CEO of CCLHD, introduced Spotto as their Ideas Hub partner and the first technology innovation to pass through the Ideas Hub processes from design thinking workshops, through prototypes, pilots and then to widespread use.

As part of the launch, operating theatres staff showed Adam Crouch MP and reporters how Spotto’s bluetooth based tracking technology, based on AWS cloud services, is already making a difference in the operating theatre setting, saving valuable time in an environment where every minute costs hundreds of dollars.
Key innovations from the project have been the outstanding cost effectiveness of the solution, and, most importantly, that CCLHD non-technical staff could install the Spotto readers and tags by themselves — vital during the pandemic lockdown.

The Ideas Hub is based at Gosford Hospital but works across all of the CCLHD health facilities. It is about leveraging local expertise to improve how CCLHD work and care for people in their hospitals and community health services, while highlighting the local career opportunities available to local talent to encourage them to keep their skills in the region.
Book a free, no-obligation express chat at a time that suits you to discuss how Spotto could be a great fit for your team.