Dev Guides

Using the Spotto API

A step by step guide to using the Spotto REST API

You will need:

  • A Spotto account with System Admin permissions

Spotto provides a set of REST APIs that allow developers to embed Spotto functionality directly into their own applications. Live location, Asset management, MQTT integration, and much more are all available via the API. In this guide we’ll go through the steps needed to generate a key to access the API and then make our first API call using postman.

Generating an API Key

Fist navigate to where you should see a user management interface. If you are blocked due to permissions, ask your Spotto administrator to upgrade your permissions to System Admin.

Select the API Access tab and hit the + button on the top right.

API Access View

Enter a name for the API key and select the access level you want to give to this API user. When finished, press the Add API Key button, you will be automatically navigated back to the API-Key management interface.

To access MQTT integration endpoints please select System Admin

Adding a new API Key

You should now see your new API key in the list. Hit the ellipsis button on the right hand side of the list entry which will give you a set of options. Clicking the Get API Key option will allow you to copy the key from the interface and use it in your application or postman.

Retrieving an API Key

Making your first request

Hit the Run in postman button below to launch postman. Once you've accepted the prompts you should see a new collection in your account called, inside there will be a request called Get Assets. To run the command all you have to do is fill in the x-api-key header with your API key from the previous step and hit send.

You can now explore our API Reference documentation and start implementing your custom Spotto implementations.
